March 2023

Speaker Commissioner Brad Turner

The dinner meeting begins on Tuesday, March 21, at 6 pm at the Carriage Lane Inn, 337 East Burton Street, Murfreesboro.

Join us we welcome Commissioner Brad Turner of the Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, who will share what his department does and his experiences serving in Governor Lee’s Cabinet.

Reservations due March 16, by 5 pm – RWVP at – $20 per person at door – cash or check (no change provided) payable to RWRC – Have check ready to avoid a wait! Guests and spouses welcome!

Please note: Because we are required to pay for all reservations, you are expected to pay the $20, even if you are unable to attend.

Membership – The membership year starts January 1, of each year. Dues for 2023 are due for $35 – Let’s get the majority of renewals soon! And let’s recruit new members throughout the year! Please make a check payable to RWRC or cash at door. Membership is not required to attend meetings, but membership is required for any voting at meetings. CLICK HERE for more details on Membership.

Upcoming Events

March 21 RWRC meeting

March 27Ladies Day on the Hill – deadline extended to Feb 22